The living ghost town of Gwalia is the doorway to a unique experience of Western Australia’s rich mining history.
The little settlement that grew up around the Sons of Gwalia Mine in the late 1890s thrived until the final whistle blew on 28 December 1963, closing the mine and putting 250 men out of work. Gwalia’s 1200-strong population fell to just 40 in less than three weeks.
Today, the abandoned homes and businesses of Gwalia create a tangible snapshot of a vanished era and way of life.
Working with Hocking Heritage + Architecture, Creative Spaces has redesigned all the interpretation for the Gwalia Historic Precinct. This included new exhibitions for the Mine Office, Assay Office and Vehicle Shed, new interpretive and directional signage for the site and an Augmented Reality app in conjunction with EyeJack.
Finalist, WA Heritage Awards, 2022.