The Creative Spaces team embarked on an exciting mission: crafting a temporary exhibition within Curtin University’s newly refurbished Library. Our dual objectives were to illuminate the library’s rich history and cast a spotlight on its promising future.
To create an immersive and student-centric experience, we injected the exhibition with playful and eccentric elements. These elements not only invited visitors to actively engage with the content but also encouraged them to share feedback and their visions for the Library’s services and space. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant color palettes found in catalogs and books from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, we carefully selected lively hues. Paired with a youthful typeface and strategically positioned graphics, these choices were aimed at captivating visitors and sparking their curiosity. Situating the exhibition prominently near the entrance ensured easy accessibility for all library-goers.
The end result: a remarkable and unforgettable exhibition that authentically portrayed the library’s past and showcased its inviting future. Creative Spaces take immense pride in affirming that our efforts played a pivotal role in underlining the significance and far-reaching impact of the TL Robertson Library, not only within the university but also in broader academic and intellectual circles.
Other temporary exhibitions designed by Creative Spaces includes Numbers Please! an award winning exhibition.
Photos taken by Aaron Brown Photographer.